Knowledge Base

  • How can I turn ON or OFF Nahimic effects ?

    You can switch ON or OFF Nahimic’s effects by clicking on the global On/Off button on the Audio and Microphone tabs.

    Please note that when you close or minimize Nahimic interface, the audio effects will keep working until it's ON. You don't even have to launch Nahimic app when you start your PC, the audio processing will always run in the background.

  • What do I need to use Nahimic 3?

    Nahimic Support · 2 · Last reply by erpsterc

    First of all: you’ll need a compatible laptop or motherboard. All the models are not supported by Nahimic 3, you can check here: 

    MSI Notebooks

    MSI Motherboards and PCs

    Gigabyte/AORUS Notebooks

    - You need to be on Windows 10 RS3 (Build 1709) or higher, Nahimic needs components present on this version to be fully functional

    - You’ll need the Realtek audio driver for Nahimic 3, you can find them on your manufacturer's website if your system is compatible.

    - The application is now in the Windows Store :

  • Why did the Nahimic companion install on my PC?

    Nahimic Support · 1 · Last reply by MichelN86

    If your PC was shipped with the Nahimic audio driver pre-installed, a recent update to the driver added the companion app to provide a user interface for the driver and allow you to add additional Nahimic features. In the past, if your PC was using the Nahimic audio driver to optimize sound quality, there was no user interface letting you know when it was being updated or used. The companion app is there to let you know the version and to help you maintain your drivers.

  • [UPDATED] How to recover Nahimic with one-click!

    Nahimic Support · 75 · Last reply by Pluis Transport

    After a Windows update or an unexpected malfunction, Nahimic might fail to initialize properly and the following message could appear "Nahimic has failed to initialize". 

    If you're experiencing any problem with Nahimic, you can try to recover Nahimic full functionality by using the attached Nahimic automatic restore tool.

    You simply has to download and launch the tool with one click and it will process to detect your hardware, check your system updates, clean and install everything needed to get Nahimic working again. 

    It is as simple as that! In case you're still experiencing any problem do not hesitate to contact us directly

  • Sound Tracker 2.0: Compatible Games List

    Nahimic Support · 79 · Last reply by Huy Nguyễn

    Dear users,

    You can find below the list of compatible games with our Soundtracker 2.0.

    More games will be added in in future updates.

  • What is Easy Surround feature?

    Nahimic Support · 0 · Posted

    Easy Surround is perfect when you play games or watch movies. It creates a realistic immersive audio experience with multiple speakers placed around you.

    It combines your internal speakers or other external speakers (USB, jack, HDMI) placed in front of you, with a Bluetooth speaker placed behind you to immerse you into the scene.

    You will be able to feel the surround sound by playing an adapted content: 5.1 or 7.1 on your favorite game or movie.

    Be sure to connect a Bluetooth speaker to your PC before using Easy Surround feature.

  • What are the audio devices compatible with Nahimic

    Nahimic Support · 0 · Posted

    Nahimic effects can work with any device, speaker or headset with Bluetooth, USB, 3.5mm jack or HDMI connection.

    When you're using an analog device (internal speakers, jack or SPDIF), Nahimic will apply automatically the effects on it.

    When you're using a digital device (USB, HDMI, Bluetooth) Nahimic will ask you if you want to optimize it with Nahimic audio processing. Because some digital devices can already have their own audio processing embedded, so we let you choose if you want your default audio settings or Nahimic audio effects on it.

  • I can only hear sound on one headset, why?

    Nahimic Support · 0 · Posted

    Some new systems are running with latest Intel processing technology.

    In these specific cases, when you connect two Bluetooth headsets you might observe the second headset will have two different output devices in Windows device list, one from Intel and one from Microsoft driver, as you can see on the image below:

    If you are in that case, you will have to select the one from Microsoft (with no "hardware acceleration" option). To do so, open the device properties and check:

  • How can I change the Sound Tracker scale?

    Nahimic Support · 0 · Posted

    You can adjust the Sound Tracker scale by sliding the "Scale" adjustment bar.

  • What is supposed to happen if I change the Music profile settings, then click on the Shooter profile, and then come back to the Music profile?

    Nahimic Support · 0 · Posted

    If you change the Music profile settings, choose a different profile and go back on Music profile, the changes will be saved and you will find the Music profile settings as you left them.

  • What is the Windows® device manager option “Show Disconnected Devices” for?

    Nahimic Support · 1 · Last reply by Badenite

    This option allows to display all of the devices your hardware can support.

  • What is Nahimic audio driver?

    Nahimic Support · 0 · Posted

    The Nahimic audio driver is the part of the PC audio driver on which Nahimic audio processing happens. It comes pre-installed on your PC as we are in partnership with your PC's manufacturer to bring audio optimizations and enhancements:

    • The Nahimic audio driver adds speakers corrections (fine tuning), which lets your PC achieve the original sound design planned by your PC manufacturer. PC manufacturers work with Nahimic to optimize the sound design and performance of the PC and the driver and app ensure that the sound is optimized. Without the Nahimic audio driver, your PC may not sound as intended
  • What is Nahimic audio driver?

    Nahimic Support · 0 · Posted

    The Nahimic audio driver is audio software that optimizes the performance of the speakers in your PC.

  • How can I access Easy Surround feature?

    Nahimic Support · 0 · Posted

    You will find Easy Surround feature as a new tab into Nahimic UI if you are in the following conditions:

    • Easy Surround is only available on some specific PC brands: Lenovo and MSI
    • for MSI users, Easy Surround feature will be only available for latest generations running on Nahimic driver 4.x.x

    If you are in these conditions but do not see Easy Surround feature into Nahimic interface, make sure Nahimic app and driver are up to date. Updates go throught Microsoft store for the app and Windows update for the driver. You can also use our generic restore tool to

  • I can’t hear any sound on my system after using Sound Sharing

    Nahimic Support · 0 · Posted

    As we are using our Virtual Audio Device to mirror the audio on your two selected devices, this one is selected when Sound Sharing is used.

  • How can I change the transparency of the Sound Tracker?

    Nahimic Support · 0 · Posted

    You can adjust the transparency of the Sound Tracker with the "Transparency" adjustment bar, making it look more or less discrete.

  • My device doesn’t appear in the Windows® device manager. How do I make it appear?

    Nahimic Support · 0 · Posted

    If you device does not appear, first, make sure your device is properly plugged into your computer and is properly installed.

    If your device still does not appear, it may have been disabled and hidden in the Windows® device manager.

    To make it appear again in your device list, just right-click on the Windows® device manager window (in the Playback or Recording tab, depending on the device you are interested in) and then select “Show Disabled Device”.

  • I plugged in an external sound card and Nahimic doesn’t support it. Why?

    Nahimic Support · 1 · Last reply by ron davison

    External sound cards have their own drivers, audio processing and software which are completely independent of Nahimic.

  • What kind of improvement is the Nahimic audio driver bringing to the audio of my pc?

    Nahimic Support · 0 · Posted
    • The Nahimic audio driver adds speaker correction (fine tuning), which lets your PC achieve the original sound design planned by your PC manufacturer. PC manufacturers work with Nahimic to optimize the sound design and performance of the PC and the driver and companion app ensure that the sound is optimized. Without the Nahimic audio driver your PC may not sound as intended by the manufacturer.
    • An added benefit of the Nahimic audio driver is protecting your speakers by reducing excess vibration, ensuring you can enjoy higher volume without buzzing or distortion.

    The manufacturer included these performance enhancements to ensure your