Nahimic Audio Driver Update

In order to update Nahimic driver, please launch the attached tool that will process to detect your hardware, check your system updates, clean and install everything needed to get Nahimic working again with latest driver update.

91 replies


Please, I'm having this issue, I'm using the restore tool but still getting the message of error when the application starts " Nahimic failed to launch properly'. Can I get any further assisstance


доброй ночи не получается обновить аудио драйвер. кто может подсказать ? материнская плата ASRock B660M Steel Legend mATX . удаление и переустановка не помогло

good night, I can't update the audio driver. Who can tell you? ASRock B660M Steel Legend mATX motherboard . deleting and reinstalling did not help


тоже такая проблема просто пропал звук 


да и что делать ? 


установите realtek sound studio 3 mod, тот же самый нахимик только от asus,


Как запустить опять эту тупарылую шляпу?

Это просто пиздос. Нихера не работат. Все перепробовал.

Был вчера звук как звук блять, сейчас помойка и не запускается. Что только не переустанавливал. Везде пишет все ок, всюду лицензии. Сукааа как этооо заебало блятьььь!!!


prosze o dalsza pomoc poniewaz nadal wyskakuje blad po otworzeniu nardzedzia do urucuhomiania


1- Install Realtek HD Universal Driver (includes Nahimic APO3 Driver)

2- Install Nahimic RestoreTool 1.0.5 

3- Install Nahimic Installer from Windows Store

With other driver audio is much bug with other application, driver not ok 100% 

Use only Realtek HD Universal Driver include Nahimic APO3 Driver if not possible for mothercard is incompatibility with Realtek

To found this driver go in site exemple MSI X470 Gaming Pro Max > WIN11 >> Audio or go for for your mothercard marque for last generation série and download driver Realtek


I think the latest Nahimic software update is messing up with the audio driver. I used the Restore tool for more than 3 times but the issue still persists.


I noticed that this happens after an update from the Nahimic Windows Store. Everything works before the update from the store. as soon as you connect the Internet, it asks you to update the application, you update it and it stops working


Звук есть , звука нет . закрыл браузер звук громче стал то тише гулять туда сюда 

There is sound , there is no sound . I closed the browser, the sound became louder and quieter, walking back and forth


Решил проблему ?!  та же проблема , звук стал тише чем был раньше !!!!


great now you got access to my google account  - fix this amazing software or - - i will buy a the most basic sound card  - xonos crap -  please fix this or im done ... update killed my ultra nahmic sound  - gr8   - -  - - - - -


Fix this or I move to a different product.


what is the solution i restart my device multiple time

Screenshot (192).png

I have updated Windows. After updating the Nehimic apps driver, it can't run smoothly, the application still can't be used  my pc is Gigabyte A5 K1

無法使用 請修復


i think everyone facing the same issue it the past 24 hours


I am from mainland China, Lenovo computer.

When updating, I need to turn on a VPN in order to update normally, and then it is successful.

If others encounter an interrupted update situation, they can try turning on a VPN. I chose a US node server.


I used this method yesterday but  not successful,this tool tell me the reason is internet but I have turned on the vpn .what is more ,when I use vpn ,I can not turn on  this websit 


what the f is wrong with u guys messing with the updates !!!!!! F U


i have run his repair many t imes the driver and software still do not function WTF


Works good in Lenovo Legion 5 pro gen 6 amd

I am from China, and now I have a problem with my Nahimic. The status is the same as the picture. My laptop model is Lenovo Rescuer Y7000P. The official NahimicRestoreTool_1.0.5.exe tool is not useful. I hope the official or kind people can tell me how to solve it. fix this problem


had same problem today.  go to windows update...advanced options....optional updates. there is an update called A-Volute - AudioProcessingObject - download it and install. If u don´t find it there make sure that receive updates for other Microsoft product bocks is on and check updates again.


Just let me know when the update works because I don't want to try and make it worse.



Maybe the Windows update KB5036980 is to blame for it not working anymore?


Вчера наконец-то решил проблему. Запустился обновленный нахимик и все работает как надо.


Когда уже починят данную программу? Все способы перепробовал. Ничего не работает


поставть realtek sound studio 3 mod, тот же самый нахимик только от asus,


тоже тот не работает. Есть что-то на гигабайт?


Confirmed it's now working on my end. Please run the Nahimic restore tool and follow the instructions.


It is still not working for me though :(


On my end, I uninstall the Nahimic first. Then download it via Microsoft Store. After that, I open again the Nahimic app and wait for the "critical driver update required" to show up. Then I download the the Nahimic restore tool and follow the rest of the instruction.


I did several times of “uninstalling + reinstalling + using restore tool” but it is not still working :(


same app


it says the link is not safe


how to remove sign next to sound tracker after update Do you know?


I don´t use it so I just Ignore it.


Tool didn´t work for me. Solution how i fixed that driver error.  open windows update...advanced options....optional updates. For me example i was missing that Nahimic audio driver   A-Volute - AudioProcessingObject - download it and install. If u don´t find it there make sure that receive updates for other Microsoft product box is on and check updates again. If your scan finds more audio drivers install this too. After that i opend Nahimic Companion app for automatic scan. everyting is up to date and working fine.


Yep, this one worked for me! Thanks.


I am unable to install it. It seems my username has space in between, and hence, the script fails to execute. Please fix it and try to put the path in quotes to avoid this issue.

Not silent install, showing the UI...
Will need to restart the machine after the installation.
[StartRestoreTasks] Total 7 steps starting...
C:\Users\My Name\AppData\Local\Temp\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\Users\My Name\AppData\Local\Temp\NahimicRestoreTool\ExpandArchive.ps1"
Processing -File 'C:\Users\My' failed because the file does not have a '.ps1' extension. Specify a valid Windows


On my end, I uninstall the Nahimic first.
Run storage sense and removed temporary files.
Restart computer.
Then download it via Microsoft Store.
After that, I open again the Nahimic app and wait for the "critical driver update required" to show up.
Then I download the the Nahimic restore tool and follow the rest of the instruction.
All set now.


MSI MAG X570S TORPEDO MAX not working :(