[UPDATED] How to recover Nahimic with one-click!

After a Windows update or an unexpected malfunction, Nahimic might fail to initialize properly and the following message could appear "Nahimic has failed to initialize". 

If you're experiencing any problem with Nahimic, you can try to recover Nahimic full functionality by using the attached Nahimic automatic restore tool.

You simply has to download and launch the tool with one click and it will process to detect your hardware, check your system updates, clean and install everything needed to get Nahimic working again. 

It is as simple as that! In case you're still experiencing any problem do not hesitate to contact us directly by submitting a new ticket. We'll be pleased to help you. 

75 replies


He todo y nada funciona espero que halla una actualización que solucione esto


I have done this fix multiple times in this week, it;s fixed but it got the same problem again whenever i turn my laptop on so do you have any issues that fix it like for once 


Avast antivirus is flagging this file as infected


Day 2 of no Nahimic, due to it NOT BEING ABLE TO LOAD. Even after several attempts using their tool, it still will not work. >< This close to uninstalling it and just finding something else. Came with my MSI laptop, but I mean do we REALLY need it? 
I WISH it worked. MSI/Steelseries looking at you!!

PS: I have submitted a REQUEST, but no answer, no Nahimic! bah!!


I fixed it! Actually found the answer on the MSI forum. There is a thread there that goes into detail and the use of a third-party (removal tool), then allowed MSI to re-install the drivers for my machine, and left it at "working".  After rebooting and going to Windows Update, there were a couple of updates for REALTEK and Nahimic. Again, not "up to date" drivers, but it works, it is solid.


Please give more information please


[Preinstall] Nahimic Restore Tool Version:
[CloudSrv] Starting CloudSrv to download latest restore tool version info text file. Error 6 in WinHttpQueryDataAvailable. Error 6 in InternetReadFile.
[CloudSrv] Starting CloudSrv to download latest restore tool version info text file. Error 6 in WinHttpQueryDataAvailable. Error 6 in InternetReadFile.
[CloudSrv] Starting CloudSrv to download latest restore tool version info text file. Error 6 in WinHttpQueryDataAvailable. Error 6 in InternetReadFile.
Can't download latest ToolVer.txt.
[PSScript] C:\Users\Kali\AppData\Local\Temp\NahimicRestoreTool\PreInstall.ps1 exited with code 503
There was something wrong when downloading drivers/UWP packages. Please check your internet connection and run the tool again.
[MessageBox] has Contact Us button.

I just..you know..clicked the button. It was there. And lo, via wonderous internet I am here, typing. I have an idea; why don't you have my browser update this here textbox in Timbuktu while I download fix v1.0.4 for these random



Why, MSI? Why the French? 3.5 mm jacks have no use for garlic. Just some code. You have something ending in .inf or .cat or .wdm on your ordinateurs you can m'envoyer. Avec les dll's de champignon. Merci.


I tried the tool bus when I restart it happens again.
What should I do?


Having the same issue.  Legion i7 Slim Laptop.  Have been trying to resolve for days, emailed in a ticket, not heard anything.  It is highly frustrating as it is preventing a gaming headset from working, however on a desktop without this software I have no issues.  Glad to confirm it is not a hardware issue, but frustrated as I would like that have a working laptop. 


I receive an error when using the one-click tool.


The funniest part is that this stuff is comes with e.g. MSI mobos but when trying to adjust the tones, nothing happens. When I change the audio from Realtek to AMD HD Audio, this stuff starts working XD omg....


One thing that works for me with MSI, is when Nahimic doesn't work for me I go to sound sharing and just click the speaker or headphones that im using. It fixes the issue if i go back to audio and select what I want.


nice one that restore tool worked 


can u just make a exe windows store sucks tbh and most things i use end up not working hate windows store its so bad 

Hi i got a error message from the Nehimic app. i have MSI modern 14 B11mou Notebook. it worked well but now its not. as suggest in  the app i have tried you restore app and nothing happend( didnt fixed) .. my sounds working but Nehimic not working. help!


Open device manager open sound Uninstalle your sound driver. Restart your laptop. If it still does not work Uninstaller Nahimic then go here

Download and install Nahimic

If that does not work then only other thing is Factory reset


ye laptop aur service hi madharchod hai


Solved "Has failed to launch properly" on Lenovo Legion T5 (26IOB6).


the restore tools does not work i have uninstalled and reinstalled restarted my computer. please help me out


Solved by Nahimic Restore Tool on x570 Taichi Razer Edition, Thks Support. 

Where can we find updates for this tool ?


Same problem as others are having.   Nahimic will not run,fix tool posted here does not help.   Speakers are crackling / overdriving / clipping since this started randomly. Reddit thread does not help.

These people cannot or will not support their product properly.  It is perhaps time to write it off and AVOID BUYING ANY PLATFORM containing Nahimic or ANY SOFTWARE FROM AVOLUTE / STEELSERIES

The amount of time this is costing me exceeds the cost of my laptop and I'm just about ready to donate it and buy a new one - one not broken by this terrible incompetent company. 

This is what happens when people who are totally unqualified to write system software / drivers do so.  It's not some web app that can just go up/down or be flaky and you'll get to it eventually... (ie. months to years later)


This is insane.  A $600 motherboard and I have to waste hours trying to deal with this.  I'm about to send over an invoice.


This works but then a few hours later nahimic updates itself and says I need to restart. After I restart I get Nahimic failed to launch error. I run your tool Nahimic works again for awhile it updates then I have to use tool aagin. Repeat. A big loop. Any ideas ?


Great tool. Did what you made it to do. Nahimic wouldn't not launch ran the tool. Launches now

Thanks a lot


I just update my Lenovo Ideapad Gaming 3i and its said Nahimic coudn't be launched eventhough after I download Nahimic restore, please help me !


useless, somebody help me pls

Hello there,

If the RestoreTool did not work on your side, you can try to use the way on this thread below to see if it help:



go into your BIOS and see if you have HD audio disabled.


Nahimic needs recover after updating my audion drive.Restart can not make a difference


solved by Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - Extension -


failed again


Yep virus, anti virus blocked idk how many files.

Hello there,

It seems your anti virus software is flagging our tool as "suspicious". You can try to un-flag our tool manually in your anti-virus app.

Thank you for sharing this info with us. As the tool is still fresh, we might need to contact antivirus software to inform them unflag our tool, which is obviously 100% safe.

Nahimic team


when using the restore tool it says "The audio devices are not detected, or your pc might not be Nahamic platform product. Please restart your system and run the tool again" Do you know how to fix this?

Hello, could you please "submit a Request" (button on the top right) in order for us to deal with the problem you've met with the restore tool. You can first start to describe what has failed and our team will help you find out. Sorry for the inconvenience.


i am having the same problem, i have submitted a request too, please help


Hallo, i tried Nahmicrestoretool, but it has failed too. Can you guys help me?

Hello, could you please "submit a Request" (button on the top right) in order for us to deal with the problem you've met with the restore tool. You can first start to describe what has failed and our team will help you find out. Sorry for the inconvenience.


BitDefender flags the tool as SuspiciousBehavior.FB9FC9A6EC90B84 and just nukes the process.

please advise

Hello Maxime,

It seems BitDefender is flagging our tool as "suspicious" but there is a way to allow the program to run as an exception. I'm not very familiar with BitDefender software but here is guide which seems to explain how to do that:


Hope it will work this way. 

Thank you for sharing this info with us. As the tool is still fresh, we might need to contact antivirus software to inform them unflag our tool, which is obviously 100% safe.

Nahimic team