[UPDATED] How to recover Nahimic with one-click!

After a Windows update or an unexpected malfunction, Nahimic might fail to initialize properly and the following message could appear "Nahimic has failed to initialize". 

If you're experiencing any problem with Nahimic, you can try to recover Nahimic full functionality by using the attached Nahimic automatic restore tool.

You simply has to download and launch the tool with one click and it will process to detect your hardware, check your system updates, clean and install everything needed to get Nahimic working again. 

It is as simple as that! In case you're still experiencing any problem do not hesitate to contact us directly by submitting a new ticket. We'll be pleased to help you. 

74 replies


Is there any way to get it for Linux. I had it on my same laptop using windows 11, but I would like to use it for linux.

I have the MSI Bravo 15 C7V for spec reference.

I am using the Fedora Distro with KDE Plasma.


Nahimic can not support Linux


Installing AVoluteNH3CNXTExt.inf...
Best driver has already been installed.
Installing A-VoluteNhApo4Swc.inf...
Failed to install driver. Error Code: 5
Installation failed: System error.
Details: at GenericNahimicRestoreTool.DriverInstaller.InstallINF(String infPath)
at GenericNahimicRestoreTool.DriverInstaller.<>c__DisplayClass23_0.<InstallDriverAsync>b__0()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at GenericNahimicRestoreTool.DriverInstaller.<InstallDriverAsync>d__23.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at GenericNahimicRestoreTool.Controller.<BtnInstall_Click>d__9.MoveNext()


May I know your Audio IC Codec HWID?


Or PC Model?


msi x570 ace  WIN10 22h2

After using the GenericNahimicRestoreTool, it still prompts that critical drivers need to be updated.


Would you check with MSI customer service whether your motherboard includes Nahimic sound software? Not all MSI models support it


It used to work fine, but I don't know when it started having issues, and now it prompts for an update.


MSI B450  Gaming Plus Max Win 10, same problem.


yea I get the same problem but not always (like intermittently).  seems to be a bug with the latest Nahimic uwp app sometimes not accepting nor working with the latest APO3 (v3.7.2.0) driver.

doesn't seem to be a problem for other MSI based systems using the latest Nahimic app and newest APO4 driver (v4.12.4.0 or v4.12.5.0).

MSI B450 & X570 boards require a Realtek audio driver with Nahimic APO3 (won't work with Nahimic APO4 driver).  tried latest Realtek audio driver from MSI?

maybe wait for another updated Nahimic app and updated APO3 driver to be released to fix the problem.


Msi bravo 15 c7ve

After running all restore tools, I still dont have the nahimic audio driver on sounds or anywhere else. I only see realtek audio driver. Please help


Msi bravo 15 c7ve 、X570 B450 are not in Nahimic support list


Hallo erst mal.

Ich bekomme Nahimic auf meinem IdeaCentre Gaming 5 17IAB7 nicht zum laufen, ich bekomme immer die Meldung:

Es tut uns leid, aber wir haben festgestellt, dass Ihr PC kein mit Nahimic kompatibles System ist. Unsere Technologie wird auf ausgewählten PCs mit einem vorinstallierten Audiotreiber geliefert.
Mehr Infos auf unserer Website:

Ich hab schon verschiedene NahimicRestoreTool_1.0.X.exe probiert, den treiber für Nahimic und Realtek probiert, die Lenovo auf der Supportseite meines PC.

2x Windows neuinnstallation, brachte auch keine besserung.

Kann mir jemand helfen?


Geht nicht:

Cleaning C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool...
Deleting folder makeappx...
Deleting folder PSModule...
Extracting resources...
Extracting resources done.
Gathering Media Device HWIDs...
Gathering Media Device HWIDs Done.
Getting all extension INF files from resource...
Device Name: Realtek(R) Audio
Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0623&SUBSYS_17AA3754&REV_1000
Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0623&SUBSYS_17AA3754
Device Name: NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM)
Hardware ID: USB\VID_0955&PID_9000
Device Name: NVIDIA High Definition Audio
Device Name: SteelSeries Sonar Virtual Audio Device
Hardware ID: ROOT\VEN_SSGG&DEV_0001
======= Installation Cancelled =======
The audio devices are not detected, or your PC might not be Nahimic platform product.
Please restart your system and run the tool again.



contact your local Lenovo support rep for further assistance

HWID "HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0623&SUBSYS_17AA3754" for Realtek(R) Audio is "not" compatible with Nahimic


Warum soll sie plötzlich nicht mehr Kompatibel sein?

Der PC wurde mit Funktionierender Nahimic Software ausgeliefert, der Audio Chip kann nicht gewechselt werden, er ist verlötet. Auf dem gehäuse ist ein Nahimic sticker drauf.


after further inspecting, I found out that the A-volute Lenovo extension INF file "AVoluteNH3Ext.inf" will NEVER install nor register onto the Lenovo IdeaCentre Gaming 5 17IAB7 computer, due to the ID 17AA3754 being "incorrectly" listed in that AVoluteNH3Ext.inf file.

The original & updated Realtek audio driver INF files from Lenovo for the 17IAB7 pc (HDXLV.inf & HDX_LenovoExt_AVO_V4_REN_ONLY_RTK) appear to have ID "HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0623&SUBSYS_17AA3754" on there BUT the A-volute extension INF file AVoluteNH3Ext.inf is looking for "HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0897&SUBSYS_17AA3754" and this is a serious "mismatch"; the SUBSYS ID or "subsystem ID" 17AA3754 is correct but the "device ID" or DEV ID listed is "incorrect."

BIG FAT FAIL on the Steelseries/Nahimic software dev team for getting the "device ID" or DEV ID wrong (or perhaps a mis-communication between Realtek, Lenovo and Nahimic) for IdeaCentre Gaming 5 17IAB7.  only HWID "HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0623&SUBSYS_17AA3754" is mentioned in the Realtek audio drivers BUT NOT ID "HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0897&SUBSYS_17AA3754"

need to wait and see if the Nahimic SW dev team will "correct" and change the specific ID in an updated version of the "AVoluteNH3Ext.inf" file for "17AA3754" to use DEV_0623 instead of DEV_0897.


Hi, your thing is broken, says critical update needed, but your update tool says there is no update avaiable, please fix your things.


May I know your PC model ?


MSI gaming m5 z370 Windows 11 Pro


Baidu Cloudpan:MSI-NahimicRestoreTool-APO3-SWCv3.7.0.0-EXTv1.2.0.0.zip
Download Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1FNUqAqpop7r7oW5a87Ecyg?pwd=Nahi  code: Nahi


how can i trust you? also cant you use different site? like google disk drive, your host site is scary


Hello just from Yesterday update nahimic does not work anymore :(
Please help us, dont ignore us :(


good question, Fweemy

in fact the MSI-NahimicRestoreTool-APO3-SWCv3.7.0.0-EXTv1.2.0.0.zip package is available directly from the MSI web site and it's best to download it from the MSI site instead of from the "questionable" & slow Baidu site.  geez.

edit 11/8 - I'm still waiting for nahimic support to provide an APO3 v3.7.2.0 or newer driver instead of the v3.7.0.0 version which is now outdated


im legit browsing MSI site and cant find it, where, show me where  https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/z370-gaming-m5/support#driver


To ensure that all drivers download and update smoothly, our driver engineers have updated this restore tool here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kfiQyMzz36sBljx_CHkFV9tcpdZcKHgE/view?usp=sharing


When will it be updated


nobody knows.  what kind of computer or system are you using?


GIGABYTE AORUS 15-XA i7-9750h RTX2070 

Nahimic is deactivated in dispeling noise from microphone, and I need to know if smart mode is really activated. Besides, radar is also useless. I don't want to keep Nahimic companion and restoretool in my computer, I want them added to main application otherthan appear as independent apps. I hope you can fix these problems.

If you can't fix, please don't send and auto-install any Nahimic kit for my computer throught MicrosoftUpdate.



I am experiencing an issue with my Legion 5 Pro-16ACH6H Laptop (Lenovo) - Type 82JQ. The Nahimic software is not opening. I have tried installing NahimicRestoreTool_1.0.7.exe, but the problem persists.

Could you please assist me in resolving this issue?



There are solutions to the above discussion


I reinstalled driver from lenovo website and install Lenovo-NahimicRestoreTool-APO4-SWCv4.11.6.0-EXTv1.2.56.0 but it does not work


Have you checked the nahimicservice in windows service? If it is stopped, please try to restart it.


I checked the server, it's running, but nahimic still doesn't work


hi Trường Vũ

you need to contact Lenovo support and ask them if they will provide an updated Realtek audio driver for your Lenovo Legion 5 Pro-16ACH6H Laptop that will work correctly with the newest Nahimic APO drivers and for updated versions of Win10/Win11. the Realtek audio drivers currently provided on the Lenovo support site for Legion 5 Pro-16ACH6H laptop seem to be outdated and may not work with the recent Nahimic software.


You can send your TeamViewer information to kevin.lin@steelseries.gg, I can assist with remote debugging.


try this realtek audio driver from Lenovo - it's version 6.0.9679.1; compatible with Win11 24H2.  install this audio driver first, reboot and then run the Lenovo-NahimicRestoreTool-APO4-SWCv4.11.6.0-EXTv1.2.56.0 package and reboot again


Hi there this problem comes from windows update

maybe try checking for updates with a VPN 

windows needs to install A-Volute driver check your updates history to see that if this driver is there or not or install it manually from here Microsoft Update Catalog

"A-Volute - AudioProcessingObject -"



I am experiencing an issue with my Lenovo Ideapad 3 Gaming 15ACH6 . The Nahimic software is not opening. I have tried installing NahimicRestoreTool_1.0.7.exe, but the problem persists.

Could you please assist me in resolving this issue?


You can download Nahimic onc-click install to solve this problem, download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/126JEivdqZDQ-s9Lb7nQosoL5Dzg594Rj/view?usp=drive_link 

Please remember to restart your computer after the installation is complete, and confirm that nahimicservice is running correctly in the windows service. If stop appears, please restart it.


error when opening



The current situation may be attributed to an incomplete installation of the Realtek audio driver. I would recommend downloading the audio driver from the official website and performing a reinstallation, then try running nahimic one-click install

You can find the official website for audio driver download here: https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/si/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/gaming-series/ideapad-gaming-3-15ach6/downloads/driver-list


I am from China, and my computer is a MECHREV Jiaolong 15k. I have reinstalled and updated the latest version of Windows 11, but every time I try to install the driver installation package on the official website of MECHREV computers, it fails with "The device seems to be NOT compatible...". In this step, I selected 'Yes', and then it asked me to restart. After restarting, I didn't see the nahimic driver. I tried many times, including various methods and tools mentioned in the community.


MECHREV Jiaolong 15k uses Nahimic APOv4 products. You can download the Nahimic one-click install installation file from here to try to repair it:


Please make sure that after restarting, nahimicservice must run normally in the service.


What should I do if the same prompt as in the picture still pops up after running this file?


You can try to reinstall the driver from the official website: Realtek 9608 driver


Then perform Nahimic one-click install installation again.


I reinstalled the "Realtek 9608 driver" as you instructed, and then installed the "Machenike-NahimicRestoreTool-APO4-SWCv4.11.6.0-EXTv1.4.16.0" again, but the results were still the same as shown in the picture.


You can install TeamViewer and provide your ID and password and send it to kevin.lin@steelseries.gg. I can assist you remotely to confirm the problem.


Sent already

Is it normal the nahimic companion app never updates automatically ? (update is always greyed out) if so why is it even added ?


hi Kevin Lin.

I think you gave G DanielDaquan the wrong Nahimic APO4 driver package.  the Mechrevo Jiaolong 15k uses an "Uniwill" Nahimic restore APO4 driver, not Machenike as I downloaded & checked the original drivers from the Mechrevo support site (unless somehow the manufacturer turned out to provide the wrong Nahimic APO4 package)


Hi ,

Thank you for your enthusiastic response. G. Daniel Daquan provided me with a remote machine for analysis, which unfortunately was installed with 'Creative' products instead of Nahimic products.

Regarding MECHREVO that you mentioned earlier, it does offer an alternative version. Thank you for reminding.


no problem, Kevin.

instead of G. Daniel Daquan installing a Realtek audio 6.0.9608.1 tongfang driver, that person should install a newer driver version like either 6.0.9629.1 from here or 6.0.9655.1 from this link.

and the Creative software needs to be fully removed/uninstalled first before installing the Nahimic software


Hello, i have a problem after i run this program and restart my laptop there's no nahimic service on my services.msc so if i run nahimic there's a msg "nahimic cant run on your pc" my laptop is Lenovo Legion 16IRX8, its built in nahimic, i want to solve nahimic problem before i run this program on this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qgUvmSnO6LJ9Yehl4iPCzHRsah8w4ZW-/view and now the problem is worse, please help


If nahimicservice still does not appear after running Nahimic one-click install, it means that the system audio driver has not been updated normally. This may be related to the Realtek and ISST driver.

Please make sure to download the correct Realtek and ISST driver from the official website and install it, and then perform Nahimic one-click install.

https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/legion-series/legion-pro-5-16irx8/downloads/driver-list/component?name=Audio&id=3AA7F1C4-5B2A- 453C-9CE2-B8FCDA8B69BA


Could you give me Nahimic one-click install package

my laptop is  MSI stealth 15  A13VE

bios  E16V61MS.110


You can download this one-click install to fix issues with MSI APOv4 products


Please remember to restart nahimicservice, you can find it in windows service

Link does not work, any new one ?


The links will expire periodically, please take the time to update and download:


Any new links, seems dead again.


I tried posting on the thread linked in the Nahimic app but no one's gotten any answers there recently so I'm posting in this more active thread. I ran the auto update tool multiple times with another reset after the last one, nothing. I don't even get logs, it just tells me to open a ticket at that other page. I have a Lenovo Legion 16ARX8.


You can try to install this nahimic one click install package for lenovo.


Please make sure that after restarting, nahimicservice must run normally in the service.


i have msi katana 17 b12vfk 424ru.


Have you run NahimicRestoreTool_1.0.7.exe to update the latest driver? If there is an update, please confirm whether nahimicservice in windows service is running normally.

If NahimicRestoreTool has been executed but still not updated normally, for MSI machines, you can update MSI one-click install and then restart the machine to ensure that nahimicservice is running normally.

Nahimic one-click install package:


Thanks everything is working


same problem for legion 5 2021 intel i7 and 3050ti it starts and shuts on its own solution plzzzzzzzzzzzzz


just cant cant install it whyyyyy

Can you try using this Nahimic one-click install package

Nahimic one-click install package:

Please make sure that after restarting, nahimicservice must run normally in the service.


I have installed that update for 3 times and it's keeping to showing this to me. How can I fix this????



Please confirm your system model through msinfo and the corresponding one-click install package will be provided to you.


My system model here



If the device is Lenovo 82JU, then the corresponding model should be Legion 5-15ACH6H.

You can start by downloading the audio driver specifically designed for Lenovo from this link:


After installation, proceed to download and install the Nahimic one-click package for Lenovo.


After restarting, please confirm that nahimicservice is running normally in the service. If not, please start.

Any updates for MSI ?


PLEASE send me Latest NahimicRestoreTool-APO for "MSI b450 gaming plus max" (ms-7b86)

i want the latest APO of nahimic,but iam unable to update without the exact file for installation

Please admin reply me with the latest APO driver ASAP!


MS-7B86 is a product using APOv3. Please download the one-click install package corresponding to APOv3 to update the driver. Please remember to restart the computer to confirm that nahimicservice is running in the service. If it is stopped, please restart.

Download link:


it doesn't work 




1. So you tried to install Lenovo-NahimicRestoreTool-APO4-SWCv4.11.6.0-EXTv1.2.54.0.exe and still cannot start Nahimic after restarting the computer.
2. Is nahimicservice executed in the background?
3. Has the Nahimic UWP version been upgraded to v1.10.2?


I have started the nahimicservice and 5 seconds later, it stopped. I dont know why...


The Nahimicservice is a crucial background application for Nahimic UWP, and its termination will render Nahimic UWP inoperable. In case of recurring nahimicservice stop issues, please consider the following methods:

1) Verify if it is caused by antivirus software.
2) Adjust User Account Control Settings to Never Notify.
3) Disable Smart App Control.


Can u help me pls? It's annoying me so much, I have tried that but doesn't work 


Kindly provide your personal email address to kevin.lin@steelseries.gg, so that I can assist you in resolving the issues with your laptop.


Error code 10 after windows 10 updates. Tried the Restore Tool but it kept timing out.

Not silent install, showing the UI...
Will need to restart the machine after the installation.
[StartRestoreTasks] Total 7 steps starting...
C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\ExpandArchive.ps1"
[PSScript] Starting C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\ExpandArchive.ps1
[PSScript] splitedScriptAndArg: ExpandArchive.ps1
[PSScript] Child jobs count: 1
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\ExpandArchive.ps1 exited with code 0
C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\PreInstall.ps1 1 0 7 0"
[PSScript] Starting C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\PreInstall.ps1 1 0 7 0
[PSScript] splitedScriptAndArg: PreInstall.ps1 1 0 7 0
[PSScript] Child jobs count: 1
[Preinstall] Nahimic Restore Tool Version:
[CloudSrv] Starting CloudSrv to download latest restore tool version info text file.
[Preinstall] Nahimic Restore Tool Version from cloud:
[CloudSrv] Starting CloudSrv to download latest supported HWID list text file.
The codec HWID is HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0298&SUBSYS_146212AE
Before restoring, check device info first.
User's PC OS version is: 19045, 10.0.19045
========== Getting Nahimic3 UWP info...
Nahimic3 UWP has been installed. Version:
========== Getting Installed drivers' status...
a-volutenhapo4swc.inf:,11/13/2023 00:00:00
a-volutenh3aposwc.inf:,12/21/2023 00:00:00
avolutenh3ext.inf (HWID matched):,12/29/2022 00:00:00
a-volutenhapo4swc.inf:,09/28/2022 00:00:00
nahimicbtlink.inf:,08/18/2022 00:00:00
nhmirroringinstallerswc.inf:,08/21/2022 00:00:00
a-volutenh3aposwc.inf:,06/20/2024 00:00:00
avolutenh3ext.inf (HWID matched):,02/20/2020 00:00:00
nahimic_mirroring.inf:,08/18/2022 00:00:00
========== Getting Media class devices' status...
Microsoft Streaming Service Proxy, SW\{96E080C7-143C-11D1-B40F-00A0C9223196}\{3C0D501A-140B-11D1-B40F-00A0C9223196}, Status: Unknown, DriverProvider: , DriverVersion: , DriverSigner:
usb audio, USB\VID_534D&PID_2109&MI_02\6&11509AFC&0&0002, Status: Unknown, DriverProvider: , DriverVersion: , DriverSigner:
S8 Stereo, BTHENUM\{0000110B-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}_VID&000105D6_PID&000A\7&1CABC20B&0&3E7EE1BE42C9_C00000000, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Microsoft, DriverVersion: 10.0.19041.1, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows
NVIDIA High Definition Audio, HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10DE&DEV_0093&SUBSYS_146212AE&REV_1001\5&124FAFD8&0&0001, Status: OK, DriverProvider: NVIDIA Corporation, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Intel(R) Display Audio, HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_8086&DEV_280B&SUBSYS_80860101&REV_1000\4&1BC697FB&0&0201, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Intel(R) Corporation, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Microsoft Streaming Quality Manager Proxy, SW\{DDF4358E-BB2C-11D0-A42F-00A0C9223196}\{97EBAACB-95BD-11D0-A3EA-00A0C9223196}, Status: Unknown, DriverProvider: , DriverVersion: , DriverSigner:
NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM), ROOT\UNNAMED_DEVICE\0000, Status: OK, DriverProvider: NVIDIA, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Nahimic Easy Surround device, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{DD052805-D06A-4AC5-9629-329FF6A861E5}#NAHIMIC_BTLINK&5&D305EC2&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Nahimic, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Realtek(R) Audio, HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0298&SUBSYS_146212AE&REV_1001\4&1BC697FB&0&0001, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Realtek Semiconductor Corp., DriverVersion: 6.0.9129.1, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
S8 Hands-Free AG Audio, BTHHFENUM\BTHHFPAUDIO\8&2E9D4E74&0&97, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Microsoft, DriverVersion: 10.0.19041.4355, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows
Nahimic mirroring device, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{CE86418F-53D0-B4E5-36B3-3D0907CFA3B4}#AVOLUTEMIRRORINGVAD&5&D305EC2&0, Status: Error, DriverProvider: Nahimic, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Microsoft Streaming Clock Proxy, SW\{97EBAACC-95BD-11D0-A3EA-00A0C9223196}\{53172480-4791-11D0-A5D6-28DB04C10000}, Status: Unknown, DriverProvider: , DriverVersion: , DriverSigner:
usb audio, USB\VID_534D&PID_2109&MI_02\6&1422C64E&0&0002, Status: Unknown, DriverProvider: , DriverVersion: , DriverSigner:
SteelSeries Sonar Virtual Audio Device, ROOT\MEDIA\0000, Status: OK, DriverProvider: SteelSeries ApS, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
MSI Sound Tune, ROOT\MEDIA\0001, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Micro-Star INT'L CO., LTD., DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Nahimic mirroring device, ROOT\MEDIA\0002, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Nahimic, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
========== Getting SoftwareComponent class devices' status...
Realtek Audio Universal Service, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{C3A63EDD-2D27-4B66-B155-5E94B43D926A}#REALTEKSRV&5&D305EC2&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Realtek, DriverVersion: 1.0.668.0, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management, SWD\DRIVERENUM\OEM_LMS_COMPONENT&4&7588F09&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Intel, DriverVersion: 2316.5.1.12, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Realtek Hardware Support Application, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{C3A63EDD-2D27-4B66-B155-5E94B43D926A}#REALTEKHSA&5&D305EC2&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Realtek, DriverVersion: 11.0.6000.313, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Killer Networking Software, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{5AFF9434-8CF0-4FBA-AA68-6669000CB34A}#KILLERSOFTWARECOMPONENT&5&151D5C39&1, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Intel Corporation, DriverVersion: 3.1524.510.1, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Thunderbolt(TM) HSA Component, SWD\DRIVERENUM\THUNDERBOLTHOSTCONTROLLERHSA&7&DAFF668&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Intel(R) Corporation, DriverVersion: 1.41.987.0, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Intel(R) Graphics Command Center, SWD\DRIVERENUM\IGCC&4&133B5CDD&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Intel Corporation, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Thunderbolt(TM) Toast Component, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{B4DAA161-39A4-49EA-BC66-7B05A9DDBB16}#TBTTOASTCOMPONENT&7&DAFF668&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Intel(R) Corporation, DriverVersion: 1.41.987.0, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Nahimic Mirroring Component, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{DD052805-D06A-4AC5-9629-329FF6A861E5}#NAHIMIC_MIRRORING&5&D305EC2&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Nahimic, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Intel(R) iCLS Client, SWD\DRIVERENUM\OEM_ICLS_COMPONENT&4&7588F09&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Intel, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Intel(R) Graphics Control Panel, SWD\DRIVERENUM\CUI&4&133B5CDD&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Intel Corporation, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Realtek Audio Effects Component, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{C3A63EDD-2D27-4B66-B155-5E94B43D926A}#REALTEKAPO&5&D305EC2&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Realtek, DriverVersion: 12.128.1099.118, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader Host Interface, SWD\DRIVERENUM\OEM_DAL_COMPONENT&4&7588F09&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Intel, DriverVersion: 1.44.2023.710, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Sonar APO, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{E83B603A-ABA0-4D94-BF87-3BBA62F4B383}#APOSWC&1&2A215B38&20, Status: OK, DriverProvider: SteelSeries ApS, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
========== Getting Endpoint class devices' status...
Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{529A471E-521D-42A6-B83C-36E6101EE392}, Status: Unknown
Speaker (MSI Sound Tune), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{87A6EBB5-A666-4935-AE51-F5661FE8744C}, Status: OK
Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{3355E2B9-6BDF-4A31-BF4A-BFDD70FFCFD9}, Status: OK
Microphone Array (Realtek(R) Audio), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{A73256BE-4148-47FB-8E27-39AE9A5FD84E}, Status: Unknown
Microphone Array (Realtek(R) Audio), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{4C437D76-BB05-4999-A03F-50CC05D9EE53}, Status: OK
Microphone (MSI Sound Tune), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{CBBBA18C-FBD2-458D-978B-9B36510764D4}, Status: OK
System Virtual Line (MSI Sound Tune), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{B44A612A-07F1-4060-8E7A-6E2CA16C321C}, Status: OK
System Virtual Line (MSI Sound Tune), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{F2211CEB-D2C2-4BEE-B206-BBC25BA4C732}, Status: OK
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\PreInstall.ps1 exited with code 0
C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\DownloadDrivers.ps1"
[PSScript] Starting C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\DownloadDrivers.ps1
[PSScript] splitedScriptAndArg: DownloadDrivers.ps1
[PSScript] Child jobs count: 1
[CloudSrv] Starting CloudSrv to download drivers or UWP.
[PASS] MSI_apo3 has passed CHECKSUM verification.
[Test-CatalogFile] Start verifying files in folder C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\Extension.
Start verifying AVoluteNH3Ext.inf
Start verifying NH3ProductSettings.cab
[Test-CatalogFile] Start verifying files in folder C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\SWC.
Start verifying A-VoluteNh3ApoSwc.inf
Start verifying NahimicAPO3ConfiguratorDaemonModule.dll
Start verifying NahimicAPO4ConfiguratorDaemonModule.dll
Start verifying NahimicPnPAPO4ConfiguratorDaemonModule.dll
Start verifying NahimicService.exe
Start verifying NahimicService.ini
Start verifying NahimicSharedMemory.dll
Start verifying NahimicSvc32.exe
Start verifying NahimicSvc64.exe
Start verifying NAHIMICV3apo.dll
Start verifying NAHIMICV3NSControl.dll
Start verifying NAHIMICV3NSControlExpert.dll
Start verifying NhNotifSys.dll
Start verifying NhNotifSys.exe
Start verifying NhNotifSysApp.resources.zh-hans.dll
Start verifying NhNotifSysApp.resources.zh-hant.dll
[Test-CatalogFile] Start verifying files in folder C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\MirroringSWC.
Start verifying NahimicMirroringInstaller.exe
Start verifying NHMirroringInstallerSWC.inf
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\DownloadDrivers.ps1 exited with code 0
rsion: , DriverSigner:
usb audio, USB\VID_534D&PID_2109&MI_02\6&11509AFC&0&0002, Status: Unknown, DriverProvider: , DriverVersion: , DriverSigner:
S8 Stereo, BTHENUM\{0000110B-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}_VID&000105D6_PID&000A\7&1CABC20B&0&3E7EE1BE42C9_C00000000, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Microsoft, DriverVersion: 10.0.19041.1, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows
NVIDIA High Definition Audio, HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10DE&DEV_0093&SUBSYS_146212AE&REV_1001\5&124FAFD8&0&0001, Status: OK, DriverProvider: NVIDIA Corporation, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Intel(R) Display Audio, HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_8086&DEV_280B&SUBSYS_80860101&REV_1000\4&1BC697FB&0&0201, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Intel(R) Corporation, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Microsoft Streaming Quality Manager Proxy, SW\{DDF4358E-BB2C-11D0-A42F-00A0C9223196}\{97EBAACB-95BD-11D0-A3EA-00A0C9223196}, Status: Unknown, DriverProvider: , DriverVersion: , DriverSigner:
NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM), ROOT\UNNAMED_DEVICE\0000, Status: OK, DriverProvider: NVIDIA, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Nahimic Easy Surround device, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{DD052805-D06A-4AC5-9629-329FF6A861E5}#NAHIMIC_BTLINK&5&D305EC2&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Nahimic, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Realtek(R) Audio, HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0298&SUBSYS_146212AE&REV_1001\4&1BC697FB&0&0001, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Realtek Semiconductor Corp., DriverVersion: 6.0.9129.1, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
S8 Hands-Free AG Audio, BTHHFENUM\BTHHFPAUDIO\8&2E9D4E74&0&97, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Microsoft, DriverVersion: 10.0.19041.4355, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows
Nahimic mirroring device, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{CE86418F-53D0-B4E5-36B3-3D0907CFA3B4}#AVOLUTEMIRRORINGVAD&5&D305EC2&0, Status: Error, DriverProvider: Nahimic, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Microsoft Streaming Clock Proxy, SW\{97EBAACC-95BD-11D0-A3EA-00A0C9223196}\{53172480-4791-11D0-A5D6-28DB04C10000}, Status: Unknown, DriverProvider: , DriverVersion: , DriverSigner:
usb audio, USB\VID_534D&PID_2109&MI_02\6&1422C64E&0&0002, Status: Unknown, DriverProvider: , DriverVersion: , DriverSigner:
SteelSeries Sonar Virtual Audio Device, ROOT\MEDIA\0000, Status: OK, DriverProvider: SteelSeries ApS, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
MSI Sound Tune, ROOT\MEDIA\0001, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Micro-Star INT'L CO., LTD., DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Nahimic mirroring device, ROOT\MEDIA\0002, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Nahimic, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
========== Getting SoftwareComponent class devices' status...
Realtek Audio Universal Service, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{C3A63EDD-2D27-4B66-B155-5E94B43D926A}#REALTEKSRV&5&D305EC2&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Realtek, DriverVersion: 1.0.668.0, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management, SWD\DRIVERENUM\OEM_LMS_COMPONENT&4&7588F09&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Intel, DriverVersion: 2316.5.1.12, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Realtek Hardware Support Application, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{C3A63EDD-2D27-4B66-B155-5E94B43D926A}#REALTEKHSA&5&D305EC2&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Realtek, DriverVersion: 11.0.6000.313, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Killer Networking Software, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{5AFF9434-8CF0-4FBA-AA68-6669000CB34A}#KILLERSOFTWARECOMPONENT&5&151D5C39&1, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Intel Corporation, DriverVersion: 3.1524.510.1, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Thunderbolt(TM) HSA Component, SWD\DRIVERENUM\THUNDERBOLTHOSTCONTROLLERHSA&7&DAFF668&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Intel(R) Corporation, DriverVersion: 1.41.987.0, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Intel(R) Graphics Command Center, SWD\DRIVERENUM\IGCC&4&133B5CDD&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Intel Corporation, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Thunderbolt(TM) Toast Component, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{B4DAA161-39A4-49EA-BC66-7B05A9DDBB16}#TBTTOASTCOMPONENT&7&DAFF668&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Intel(R) Corporation, DriverVersion: 1.41.987.0, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Nahimic Mirroring Component, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{DD052805-D06A-4AC5-9629-329FF6A861E5}#NAHIMIC_MIRRORING&5&D305EC2&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Nahimic, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Intel(R) iCLS Client, SWD\DRIVERENUM\OEM_ICLS_COMPONENT&4&7588F09&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Intel, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Intel(R) Graphics Control Panel, SWD\DRIVERENUM\CUI&4&133B5CDD&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Intel Corporation, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Realtek Audio Effects Component, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{C3A63EDD-2D27-4B66-B155-5E94B43D926A}#REALTEKAPO&5&D305EC2&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Realtek, DriverVersion: 12.128.1099.118, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader Host Interface, SWD\DRIVERENUM\OEM_DAL_COMPONENT&4&7588F09&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Intel, DriverVersion: 1.44.2023.710, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Sonar APO, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{E83B603A-ABA0-4D94-BF87-3BBA62F4B383}#APOSWC&1&2A215B38&20, Status: OK, DriverProvider: SteelSeries ApS, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
========== Getting Endpoint class devices' status...
Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{529A471E-521D-42A6-B83C-36E6101EE392}, Status: Unknown
Speaker (MSI Sound Tune), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{87A6EBB5-A666-4935-AE51-F5661FE8744C}, Status: OK
Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{3355E2B9-6BDF-4A31-BF4A-BFDD70FFCFD9}, Status: OK
Microphone Array (Realtek(R) Audio), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{A73256BE-4148-47FB-8E27-39AE9A5FD84E}, Status: Unknown
Microphone Array (Realtek(R) Audio), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{4C437D76-BB05-4999-A03F-50CC05D9EE53}, Status: OK
Microphone (MSI Sound Tune), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{CBBBA18C-FBD2-458D-978B-9B36510764D4}, Status: OK
System Virtual Line (MSI Sound Tune), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{B44A612A-07F1-4060-8E7A-6E2CA16C321C}, Status: OK
System Virtual Line (MSI Sound Tune), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{F2211CEB-D2C2-4BEE-B206-BBC25BA4C732}, Status: OK
C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\DownloadUWP.ps1"
[PSScript] Starting C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\DownloadUWP.ps1
[PSScript] splitedScriptAndArg: DownloadUWP.ps1
[PSScript] Child jobs count: 1
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\DownloadUWP.ps1 timeout.
Some processes have exceeded the timeout. Please check your internet connection and restart your system, then run the tool again.
[MessageBox] has Contact Us button


Never mind fixed it myself with Nahimic3RestoreExe-APO3-SWCv1.8.1.0-EXTv1.1.36.63999-x64.exe from MSI driver downloads


If the model is MSI APOv3, a one-click install package is available that is compatible with the upcoming Windows 24H2 support version.

The download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/140gn1UZtqyYCK8NPxYDZ0gyzI8vv89Aw/view?usp=drive_link 

@Kevin Lin, does MSI have a new package ? The one i have now is MSI-NahimicRestoreTool-APO4-SWCv4.11.4.0-EXTv1.5.45.0



I tried to reinstall the driver but it doesn't work for me. I use a HUAWEI Matebook D15 (AMD Ryzen 5 5500U). After restarting my PC, it show an error message. So I restarted again and the program didn't launch but now, I can use Nahimic normally (audio, sound sharing).

When I use the HUAWEI PC Manager, it show that there is a problem with my audio driver missing (but I don't see any problem when using my laptop).

Here is the logs :

Not silent install, showing the UI...
Will need to restart the machine after the installation.
[StartRestoreTasks] Total 7 steps starting...
C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\ExpandArchive.ps1"
[PSScript] Starting C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\ExpandArchive.ps1
[PSScript] splitedScriptAndArg: ExpandArchive.ps1
[PSScript] Child jobs count: 1
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\ExpandArchive.ps1 exited with code 0
C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\PreInstall.ps1 1 0 7 0"
[PSScript] Starting C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\PreInstall.ps1 1 0 7 0
[PSScript] splitedScriptAndArg: PreInstall.ps1 1 0 7 0
[PSScript] Child jobs count: 1
[Preinstall] Nahimic Restore Tool Version:
[CloudSrv] Starting CloudSrv to download latest restore tool version info text file.
[Preinstall] Nahimic Restore Tool Version from cloud:
[CloudSrv] Starting CloudSrv to download latest supported HWID list text file.
The codec HWID is ACP\VEN_1022&DEV_15E2&SUBSYS_152D1365
Before restoring, check device info first.
User's PC OS version is: 22631, 10.0.22631
========== Getting Nahimic3 UWP info...
Nahimic3 UWP has been installed. Version:
========== Getting Installed drivers' status...
a-volutenhapo4swc.inf:,02/22/2024 00:00:00
nahimic_mirroring.inf:,01/09/2024 00:00:00
avolutenh3cnxtext.inf:,08/26/2022 00:00:00
avolutenh3esext.inf (HWID matched):,08/26/2022 00:00:00
avolutenh3ext.inf:,08/26/2022 00:00:00
========== Getting Media class devices' status...
AMD High Definition Audio Device, HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_1002&DEV_AA01&SUBSYS_00AA0100&REV_1007\5&2EBEA1D9&0&0001, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Advanced Micro Devices, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Microsoft Streaming Service Proxy, SW\{96E080C7-143C-11D1-B40F-00A0C9223196}\{3C0D501A-140B-11D1-B40F-00A0C9223196}, Status: Unknown, DriverProvider: , DriverVersion: , DriverSigner:
AMD Audio Device, ACP\VEN_1022&DEV_15E2&SUBSYS_152D1365\5&EDA8D91&0&04, Status: OK, DriverProvider: AMD, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Everest I2S Codec Audio Device, ACPI\ESSX8336\1, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Everest Semiconductor Co., Ltd, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
========== Getting SoftwareComponent class devices' status...
AMD-UWP Version Control, SWD\DRIVERENUM\AMDUWP&5&AF23D70&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., DriverVersion: 31.2220.0.0, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Huawei Audio Service Component, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{A2BC1631-0BBB-45F0-BCC9-7749AAA9143B}#HWAUDIOSRV&6&2E66F5BF&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
HWVE Audio Effects Component, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{94F63034-7E6F-4BE5-A68E-205BAFFBB4A8}#HWVEAPO&6&2E66F5BF&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
========== Getting Endpoint class devices' status...
Speakers (AMD Audio Device), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{F9D3DE9E-5753-4087-BBDD-A559572BAC6B}, Status: OK
1 - LG IPS FULLHD (AMD High Definition Audio Device), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{02DE4333-E8FF-4CD7-AB36-A576A9CCADC8}, Status: OK
Microphone Array (AMD Audio Device), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{B21DDE62-74EE-4A86-9FAE-5D2BAB26B087}, Status: OK
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\PreInstall.ps1 exited with code 0
C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\DownloadDrivers.ps1"
[PSScript] Starting C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\DownloadDrivers.ps1
[PSScript] splitedScriptAndArg: DownloadDrivers.ps1
[PSScript] Child jobs count: 1
[CloudSrv] Starting CloudSrv to download drivers or UWP.
[PASS] Huawei_apo4 has passed CHECKSUM verification.
[Test-CatalogFile] Start verifying files in folder C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\Extension.
Start verifying AVoluteNH3CNXTExt.inf
Start verifying AVoluteNH3ESExt.inf
Start verifying AVoluteNH3Ext.inf
Start verifying NH3CNXTProductSettings.cab
Start verifying NH3ESProductSettings.cab
Start verifying NH3ProductSettings.cab
[Test-CatalogFile] Start verifying files in folder C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\SWC.
Start verifying A-VoluteNhApo4Swc.inf
Start verifying NahimicAPO3ConfiguratorDaemonModule.dll
Start verifying NahimicAPO4.dll
Start verifying NahimicAPO4API.dll
Start verifying NahimicAPO4ConfiguratorDaemonModule.dll
Start verifying NahimicAPO4ExpertAPI.dll
Start verifying NahimicAPO4Volume.exe
Start verifying NahimicAPO4VolumeDaemonModule.dll
Start verifying NahimicPnPAPO4ConfiguratorDaemonModule.dll
Start verifying NahimicService.exe
Start verifying NahimicService.ini
Start verifying NahimicSharedMemory.dll
Start verifying NahimicSvc32.exe
Start verifying NahimicSvc64.exe
Start verifying NhNotifSys.dll
Start verifying NhNotifSys.exe
Start verifying NhNotifSysApp.resources.zh-hans.dll
Start verifying NhNotifSysApp.resources.zh-hant.dll
[Test-CatalogFile] Start verifying files in folder C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\MirroringDEV.
Start verifying Nahimic_Mirroring.inf
Start verifying Nahimic_Mirroring.sys
[Test-CatalogFile] Start verifying files in folder C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\MirroringSWC.
Start verifying NahimicMirroringInstaller.exe
Start verifying NHMirroringInstallerSWC.inf
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\DownloadDrivers.ps1 exited with code 0
C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\DownloadUWP.ps1"
[PSScript] Starting C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\DownloadUWP.ps1
[PSScript] splitedScriptAndArg: DownloadUWP.ps1
[PSScript] Child jobs count: 1
[CloudSrv] Starting CloudSrv to download drivers or UWP.
[PASS] Downloaded UWP checksum matched.
[Test-UWPSignature] Start verifying files in folder C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\UWP.
Start verifying 550fd3ebcd4c4cf4a9f5c05c5cdb81be.appxbundle
Start verifying Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.2.2_2.2.29512.0_arm64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.appx
Start verifying Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.2.2_2.2.29512.0_arm__8wekyb3d8bbwe.appx
Start verifying Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.2.2_2.2.29512.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.appx
Start verifying Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.2.2_2.2.29512.0_x86__8wekyb3d8bbwe.appx
Start verifying Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.2_2.2.28604.0_arm64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.appx
Start verifying Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.2_2.2.28604.0_arm__8wekyb3d8bbwe.appx
Start verifying Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.2_2.2.28604.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.appx
Start verifying Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.2_2.2.28604.0_x86__8wekyb3d8bbwe.appx
Start verifying Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00_14.0.33519.0_arm64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.appx
Start verifying Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00_14.0.33519.0_arm__8wekyb3d8bbwe.appx
Start verifying Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00_14.0.33519.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.appx
Start verifying Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00_14.0.33519.0_x86__8wekyb3d8bbwe.appx
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\DownloadUWP.ps1 exited with code 0
C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\RemoveAll.ps1"
[PSScript] Starting C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\RemoveAll.ps1
[PSScript] splitedScriptAndArg: RemoveAll.ps1
[PSScript] Child jobs count: 1
[Remove-Drivers] Starting...
a-volutenhapo4swc.inf a-volutenh3aposwc.inf avolutenh3ext.inf avolutenh3cnxtext.inf avolutenh3esext.inf avolutenh3cmext.inf avolutess3ext.inf avoluteawscext.inf nahimic_mirroring.inf nhmirroringinstallerswc.inf nahimicbtlink.inf Nahimicxvad.inf
[Remove-Drivers] driver_inf: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\a-volutenhapo4swc.inf_amd64_a036631f89dd29ab\a-volutenhapo4swc.inf
Command: C:\WINDOWS\system32\pnputil.exe /delete-driver "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\a-volutenhapo4swc.inf_amd64_a036631f89dd29ab\a-volutenhapo4swc.inf" /uninstall /force
[Remove-Drivers] driver_inf: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\avolutenh3ext.inf_amd64_04afde758388dfba\avolutenh3ext.inf
Command: C:\WINDOWS\system32\pnputil.exe /delete-driver "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\avolutenh3ext.inf_amd64_04afde758388dfba\avolutenh3ext.inf" /uninstall /force
[Remove-Drivers] driver_inf: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\avolutenh3cnxtext.inf_amd64_ef8f073a79a72586\avolutenh3cnxtext.inf
Command: C:\WINDOWS\system32\pnputil.exe /delete-driver "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\avolutenh3cnxtext.inf_amd64_ef8f073a79a72586\avolutenh3cnxtext.inf" /uninstall /force
[Remove-Drivers] driver_inf: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\avolutenh3esext.inf_amd64_5f420b5077ce1ea7\avolutenh3esext.inf
Command: C:\WINDOWS\system32\pnputil.exe /delete-driver "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\avolutenh3esext.inf_amd64_5f420b5077ce1ea7\avolutenh3esext.inf" /uninstall /force
[Remove-Drivers] driver_inf: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nahimic_mirroring.inf_amd64_67533cc0d99b827a\nahimic_mirroring.inf
Command: C:\WINDOWS\system32\pnputil.exe /delete-driver "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nahimic_mirroring.inf_amd64_67533cc0d99b827a\nahimic_mirroring.inf" /uninstall /force
[RemoveAll] C:\ProgramData\A-Volute folder removed.
[RemoveUWP] Nahimic3 UWP found: A-Volute.Nahimic_1.10.1.0_x64__w2gh52qy24etm
[RemoveUWP] Nahimic3 provisioned UWP found, remove it as well. (A-Volute.Nahimic_1.10.1.0_neutral_~_w2gh52qy24etm)
[RemoveUWP] Nahimic3 UWP removed successfully.
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\RemoveAll.ps1 exited with code 0
C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\InstallNahimic.ps1"
[PSScript] Starting C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\InstallNahimic.ps1
[PSScript] splitedScriptAndArg: InstallNahimic.ps1
[PSScript] Child jobs count: 1
Seeking HKLM:\Software\Nahimic:
Registry key permissions set successfully.
[InstallUWP] UWPDir: C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\UWP
[InstallUWP] UWP package to be installed: C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\UWP\550fd3ebcd4c4cf4a9f5c05c5cdb81be.appxbundle
[InstallUWP] Dependencies to be installed: C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\UWP\Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.2.2_2.2.29512.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.appx C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\UWP\Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.2_2.2.28604.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.appx C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\UWP\Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00_14.0.33519.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.appx
[InstallUWP] License to be used: C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\UWP\550fd3ebcd4c4cf4a9f5c05c5cdb81be_License1.xml
Installed appx name: A-Volute.Nahimic_1.10.1.0_x64__w2gh52qy24etm
[InstallUWP] Installation success.
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\InstallNahimic.ps1 exited with code 0
[UninstallDeviceInTheListFile] Adding ACP\VEN_1022&DEV_15E2&SUBSYS_152D1365\5&EDA8D91&0&04ACP\VEN_1022&DEV_15E2&SUBSYS_152D1365\5&EDA8D91&0&04
[rescannedFunc] Some of listed devices are not removed correctly.
[RescanDeviceManager] Rescan success.
RunOnce registry is set successfully.
RunOnce has been registered, keep the default working folder.
C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\OnFinish.ps1"
[PSScript] Starting C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\OnFinish.ps1
[PSScript] splitedScriptAndArg: OnFinish.ps1
[PSScript] Child jobs count: 1
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\OnFinish.ps1 exited with code 0
AutoRun on boot.
Not silent install, showing the UI...
Don't restart the machine after the installation.
Starting afterReboot phase, use existed default working folder.
[StartRestoreTasks] Total 3 steps starting...
C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\VerifyDriver.ps1"
[PSScript] Starting C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\VerifyDriver.ps1
[PSScript] splitedScriptAndArg: VerifyDriver.ps1
[PSScript] Child jobs count: 1
========== Getting Installed drivers' status...
a-volutenhapo4swc.inf:,02/22/2024 00:00:00
nahimic_mirroring.inf:,01/09/2024 00:00:00
avolutenh3cnxtext.inf:,08/26/2022 00:00:00
avolutenh3esext.inf (HWID matched):,08/26/2022 00:00:00
avolutenh3ext.inf:,08/26/2022 00:00:00
[VerifyDriver] avolutenh3ext.inf: has been installed correctly.
[VerifyDriver] avolutenh3esext.inf: has been installed correctly.
[VerifyDriver] avolutenh3cnxtext.inf: has been installed correctly.
[VerifyDriver] nahimic_mirroring.inf: has been installed correctly.
[VerifyDriver] a-volutenhapo4swc.inf: has been installed correctly.
[VerifyDriver] Ignore nhmirroringinstallerswc.inf for this device.
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\VerifyDriver.ps1 exited with code 0
C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\VerifyVAD.ps1"
[PSScript] Starting C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\VerifyVAD.ps1
[PSScript] splitedScriptAndArg: VerifyVAD.ps1
[PSScript] Child jobs count: 1
Before terminating the restore tool, check device info one last time.
User's PC OS version is: 22631, 10.0.22631
========== Getting Media class devices' status...
AMD High Definition Audio Device, HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_1002&DEV_AA01&SUBSYS_00AA0100&REV_1007\5&2EBEA1D9&0&0001, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Advanced Micro Devices, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Microsoft Streaming Service Proxy, SW\{96E080C7-143C-11D1-B40F-00A0C9223196}\{3C0D501A-140B-11D1-B40F-00A0C9223196}, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Microsoft, DriverVersion: 10.0.22621.1, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows
AMD Audio Device, ACP\VEN_1022&DEV_15E2&SUBSYS_152D1365\5&EDA8D91&0&04, Status: OK, DriverProvider: AMD, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Everest I2S Codec Audio Device, ACPI\ESSX8336\1, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Everest Semiconductor Co., Ltd, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
========== Getting SoftwareComponent class devices' status...
AMD-UWP Version Control, SWD\DRIVERENUM\AMDUWP&5&AF23D70&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., DriverVersion: 31.2220.0.0, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Huawei Audio Service Component, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{A2BC1631-0BBB-45F0-BCC9-7749AAA9143B}#HWAUDIOSRV&6&2E66F5BF&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
HWVE Audio Effects Component, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{94F63034-7E6F-4BE5-A68E-205BAFFBB4A8}#HWVEAPO&6&2E66F5BF&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
========== Getting Endpoint class devices' status...
Speakers (AMD Audio Device), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{7CB5872F-6FA8-4A0D-A6A0-14FD2D0A017F}, Status: OK
Microphone Array (AMD Audio Device), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{A0AB2E2F-72CE-4B9F-BAB5-FAB3B91C057D}, Status: OK
1 - LG IPS FULLHD (AMD High Definition Audio Device), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{02DE4333-E8FF-4CD7-AB36-A576A9CCADC8}, Status: OK
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] Can't find VAD within 30 seconds.
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\VerifyVAD.ps1 exited with code 502
Nahimic virtual audio device has not been properly installed. Please restart your system and run the tool again.
[MessageBox] has Contact Us button
AutoRun on boot.
Not silent install, showing the UI...
Don't restart the machine after the installation.
Starting afterReboot phase, use existed default working folder.
[StartRestoreTasks] Total 3 steps starting...
C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\VerifyDriver.ps1"
[PSScript] Starting C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\VerifyDriver.ps1
[PSScript] splitedScriptAndArg: VerifyDriver.ps1
[PSScript] Child jobs count: 1
========== Getting Installed drivers' status...
a-volutenhapo4swc.inf:,02/22/2024 00:00:00
nahimic_mirroring.inf:,01/09/2024 00:00:00
avolutenh3cnxtext.inf:,08/26/2022 00:00:00
avolutenh3esext.inf (HWID matched):,08/26/2022 00:00:00
avolutenh3ext.inf:,08/26/2022 00:00:00
[VerifyDriver] avolutenh3ext.inf: has been installed correctly.
[VerifyDriver] avolutenh3esext.inf: has been installed correctly.
[VerifyDriver] avolutenh3cnxtext.inf: has been installed correctly.
[VerifyDriver] nahimic_mirroring.inf: has been installed correctly.
[VerifyDriver] a-volutenhapo4swc.inf: has been installed correctly.
[VerifyDriver] Ignore nhmirroringinstallerswc.inf for this device.
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\VerifyDriver.ps1 exited with code 0
C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\VerifyVAD.ps1"
[PSScript] Starting C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\VerifyVAD.ps1
[PSScript] splitedScriptAndArg: VerifyVAD.ps1
[PSScript] Child jobs count: 1
Before terminating the restore tool, check device info one last time.
User's PC OS version is: 22631, 10.0.22631
========== Getting Media class devices' status...
AMD High Definition Audio Device, HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_1002&DEV_AA01&SUBSYS_00AA0100&REV_1007\5&2EBEA1D9&0&0001, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Advanced Micro Devices, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Microsoft Streaming Service Proxy, SW\{96E080C7-143C-11D1-B40F-00A0C9223196}\{3C0D501A-140B-11D1-B40F-00A0C9223196}, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Microsoft, DriverVersion: 10.0.22621.1, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows
AMD Audio Device, ACP\VEN_1022&DEV_15E2&SUBSYS_152D1365\5&EDA8D91&0&04, Status: OK, DriverProvider: AMD, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Everest I2S Codec Audio Device, ACPI\ESSX8336\1, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Everest Semiconductor Co., Ltd, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
========== Getting SoftwareComponent class devices' status...
AMD-UWP Version Control, SWD\DRIVERENUM\AMDUWP&5&AF23D70&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., DriverVersion: 31.2220.0.0, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Huawei Audio Service Component, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{A2BC1631-0BBB-45F0-BCC9-7749AAA9143B}#HWAUDIOSRV&6&2E66F5BF&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
HWVE Audio Effects Component, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{94F63034-7E6F-4BE5-A68E-205BAFFBB4A8}#HWVEAPO&6&2E66F5BF&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
========== Getting Endpoint class devices' status...
Speakers (AMD Audio Device), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{7CB5872F-6FA8-4A0D-A6A0-14FD2D0A017F}, Status: OK
Microphone Array (AMD Audio Device), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{A0AB2E2F-72CE-4B9F-BAB5-FAB3B91C057D}, Status: OK
1 - LG IPS FULLHD (AMD High Definition Audio Device), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{02DE4333-E8FF-4CD7-AB36-A576A9CCADC8}, Status: OK
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] This product doesn't support XVAD.
[VerifyVAD] Nahimic mirroring device not found.
[VerifyVAD] Can't find VAD within 30 seconds.
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\VerifyVAD.ps1 exited with code 502
Nahimic virtual audio device has not been properly installed. Please restart your system and run the tool again.
[MessageBox] has Contact Us button


Since your HUAWEI laptop uses the ESSX8336 audio codec, please try to use HUAWEI's PC manager to repair the audio driver first, and then install the Nahimic one-click install package. After restarting, please also confirm whether nahimicservice is running in the windows service.

Nahimic one-click install package:


Not silent install, showing the UI...
Will need to restart the machine after the installation.
[StartRestoreTasks] Total 7 steps starting...
C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\ExpandArchive.ps1"
[PSScript] Starting C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\ExpandArchive.ps1
[PSScript] splitedScriptAndArg: ExpandArchive.ps1
[PSScript] Child jobs count: 1
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\ExpandArchive.ps1 exited with code 0
C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\PreInstall.ps1 1 0 7 0"
[PSScript] Starting C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\PreInstall.ps1 1 0 7 0
[PSScript] splitedScriptAndArg: PreInstall.ps1 1 0 7 0
[PSScript] Child jobs count: 1
[Preinstall] Nahimic Restore Tool Version:
[CloudSrv] Starting CloudSrv to download latest restore tool version info text file.
[Preinstall] Nahimic Restore Tool Version from cloud:
[CloudSrv] Starting CloudSrv to download latest supported HWID list text file.
The codec HWID is HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0287&SUBSYS_17AA3846
Before restoring, check device info first.
User's PC OS version is: 22000, 10.0.22000
========== Getting Nahimic3 UWP info...
Nahimic3 UWP has been installed. Version:
========== Getting Installed drivers' status...
nahimic_mirroring.inf:,09/08/2021 00:00:00
a-volutenhapo4swc.inf:,03/29/2022 00:00:00
a-volutenhapo4swc.inf:,08/27/2021 00:00:00
nahimic_mirroring.inf:,08/13/2021 00:00:00
nahimicbtlink.inf:,08/13/2021 00:00:00
avolutenh3ext.inf (HWID matched):,03/14/2022 00:00:00
nahimicbtlink.inf:,09/09/2021 00:00:00
========== Getting Media class devices' status...
Nahimic Easy Surround device, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{741A2100-1023-11E9-B56E-0800200C9A66}#NAHIMIC_BTLINK&6&3794C12D&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Nahimic, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Microsoft , SW\{96E080C7-143C-11D1-B40F-00A0C9223196}\{3C0D501A-140B-11D1-B40F-00A0C9223196}, Status: Unknown, DriverProvider: , DriverVersion: , DriverSigner:
Nahimic mirroring device, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{741A2100-1023-11E9-B56E-0800200C9A66}#NAHIMIC_MIRRORING&6&3794C12D&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Nahimic, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Xiaomi Buds 3 Hands-Free, BTHHFENUM\BTHHFPAUDIO\A&2D4DAE4B&0&97, Status: Unknown, DriverProvider: , DriverVersion: , DriverSigner:
Realtek(R) Audio, HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0287&SUBSYS_17AA3846&REV_1000\5&15D6A2A2&0&0001, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Realtek Semiconductor Corp., DriverVersion: 6.0.9363.1, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Joker phone Hands-Free HF Audio, BTHHFENUM\BTHHFPAUDIO\A&998601D&1&97, Status: Unknown, DriverProvider: , DriverVersion: , DriverSigner:
Joker phone A2DP SNK, BTHENUM\{0000110A-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}_VID&0001038F_PID&1200\9&837CA2E&0&7C2ADB262CD5_C00000000, Status: Unknown, DriverProvider: , DriverVersion: , DriverSigner:
Xiaomi Buds 3, BTHENUM\{0000110B-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}_VID&000102B0_PID&0000\9&837CA2E&0&140A29027EAE_C00000000, Status: Unknown, DriverProvider: , DriverVersion: , DriverSigner:
NVIDIA High Definition Audio, HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10DE&DEV_009F&SUBSYS_FFFFFFFF&REV_1001\5&D6AB79B&0&0001, Status: OK, DriverProvider: NVIDIA Corporation, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Steam Streaming Microphone, ROOT\STEAMSTREAMINGMICROPHONE\0000, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Valve Corporation, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Steam Streaming Speakers, ROOT\STEAMSTREAMINGSPEAKERS\0000, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Valve Corporation, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM), ROOT\UNNAMED_DEVICE\0000, Status: OK, DriverProvider: NVIDIA, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
MiPlay Virtual Audio, ROOT\MEDIA\0000, Status: OK, DriverProvider: MiPlay, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
========== Getting SoftwareComponent class devices' status...
Realtek Hardware Support Application, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{C3A63EDD-2D27-4B66-B155-5E94B43D926A}#REALTEKHSA&6&3794C12D&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Realtek, DriverVersion: 11.0.6000.273, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Realtek Audio Universal Service, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{C3A63EDD-2D27-4B66-B155-5E94B43D926A}#REALTEKSRV&6&3794C12D&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Realtek, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Realtek Audio Effects Component, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{C3A63EDD-2D27-4B66-B155-5E94B43D926A}#REALTEKAPO&6&3794C12D&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Realtek, DriverVersion: 12.12.1051.21, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
Nahimic Nh4 Audio Effects Component, SWD\DRIVERENUM\{741A2100-1023-11E9-B56E-0800200C9A66}#AVOLUTE_NH4APO&6&3794C12D&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: A-Volute, DriverVersion:, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
AMD-UWP Version Control, SWD\DRIVERENUM\AMDUWP&5&74A70A5&0, Status: Unknown, DriverProvider: , DriverVersion: , DriverSigner:
ͨ , SWD\DRIVERENUM\UDCCOMPONENT&1&1A590E2C&0, Status: OK, DriverProvider: Microsoft, DriverVersion: 10.0.22000.1, DriverSigner: Microsoft Windows
========== Getting Endpoint class devices' status...
(Realtek(R) Audio), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{ECAA8922-E37C-4F1B-916E-CA44863C7168}, Status: Unknown
˷ (Steam Streaming Microphone), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{B40B82F9-10D9-44F1-8107-96ABBA23FB67}, Status: OK
ⲿ ˷ (Realtek(R) Audio), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{FA84E284-652B-472D-AD4C-87F243637E09}, Status: Unknown
(Realtek(R) Audio), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{0D9EA84C-E214-4E72-93A6-C7E523A9E59A}, Status: OK
(Steam Streaming Microphone), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{2062C042-5125-44EA-843F-1CA6F624140D}, Status: OK
˷ (Realtek(R) Audio), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{2DA11CDD-D8EC-495D-9660-A9D24656FB4B}, Status: OK
(Steam Streaming Speakers), SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{669C2DAF-B119-4690-B0CE-62CD0251F333}, Status: OK
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\PreInstall.ps1 exited with code 0
C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\DownloadDrivers.ps1"
[PSScript] Starting C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\DownloadDrivers.ps1
[PSScript] splitedScriptAndArg: DownloadDrivers.ps1
[PSScript] Child jobs count: 1
[CloudSrv] Starting CloudSrv to download drivers or UWP.
[PASS] Lenovo_apo4 has passed CHECKSUM verification.
[Test-CatalogFile] Start verifying files in folder C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\Extension.
Start verifying AVoluteNH3Ext.inf
Start verifying NH3ProductSettings.cab
[Test-CatalogFile] Start verifying files in folder C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\SWC.
Start verifying A-VoluteNhApo4Swc.inf
Start verifying NahimicAPO3ConfiguratorDaemonModule.dll
Start verifying NahimicAPO4.dll
Start verifying NahimicAPO4API.dll
Start verifying NahimicAPO4ConfiguratorDaemonModule.dll
Start verifying NahimicAPO4ExpertAPI.dll
Start verifying NahimicAPO4Volume.exe
Start verifying NahimicAPO4VolumeDaemonModule.dll
Start verifying NahimicPnPAPO4ConfiguratorDaemonModule.dll
Start verifying NahimicService.exe
Start verifying NahimicService.ini
Start verifying NahimicSharedMemory.dll
Start verifying NahimicSvc32.exe
Start verifying NahimicSvc64.exe
Start verifying NhNotifSys.dll
Start verifying NhNotifSys.exe
Start verifying NhNotifSysApp.resources.zh-hans.dll
Start verifying NhNotifSysApp.resources.zh-hant.dll
[Test-CatalogFile] Start verifying files in folder C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\MirroringDEV.
Start verifying Nahimic_Mirroring.inf
Start verifying Nahimic_Mirroring.sys
[Test-CatalogFile] Start verifying files in folder C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\BTLink.
Start verifying NahimicBTLink.inf
Start verifying NahimicBTLink.sys
[Test-CatalogFile] Start verifying files in folder C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\XVAD.
Start verifying NahimicXVAD.inf
Start verifying NahimicXVAD.sys
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\DownloadDrivers.ps1 exited with code 0
C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\StartBackgroundPS.ps1 "C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\DownloadUWP.ps1"
[PSScript] Starting C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\DownloadUWP.ps1
[PSScript] splitedScriptAndArg: DownloadUWP.ps1
[PSScript] Child jobs count: 1
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\DownloadUWP.ps1 timeout.
Some processes have exceeded the timeout. Please check your internet connection and restart your system, then run the tool again.
[MessageBox] has Contact Us button



After confirming that your Lenovo Y560p machine is on the AMD platform and the speaker is functioning properly, proceed with the one-click installation and restart the computer. If there is no audio output, visit the official Lenovo website to reinstall the audio driver.

After restarting the computer, ensure that the in the services is running Nahimicservice properly. If it is not running, please start it.

Lenovo one-click install driver download link:


Any new drivers for MSI ?


For Nahimic, you can run NahimicRestoreTool_1.0.7.exe to obtain the latest driver.

You do know that driver is very old ? 


I'm not sure which machine model you have (you can get it from system model in msinfo). After knowing the machine name, I can help provide you with a one-click install package to update the Nahimic driver.

MSI Crosshair 15 B12UGSZ. I am already using this one but i wonder if there is a newer one.



For Microsoft 24H2 support, an updated version is available for one-click installation.

Download location:



Just do system restore from the time your nahimic app was working, this restore tool does not work for me so i had to restore the previous version of the app by doing system restore



May I ask which system model you have? Please read it from msinfo information.


I used Nahimic with headphones for a month, everything worked perfectly. Today a message came out about the need to reboot the system to complete the installation of audio updates, after which Nahimic stopped working. I tried to use RestoreTool_1.0.7, but I constantly get this error (the rest of the drivers are up to date). How can this be solved?

[CloudSrv] Starting CloudSrv to download latest supported HWID list text file.
The device is Not Nahimic platform product
[PSScript] C:\ProgramData\NahimicRestoreTool\PreInstall.ps1 exited with code 500
The audio devices are not detected, or your PC might not be Nahimic platform product. Please restart your system and run the tool again.
[MessageBox] has Contact Us button


Please provide the msinfo information to confirm the system model of the machine. You may need to reinstall the audio driver and use Nahimic one-click install for installation.

Once the machine model is known, I can provide the one-click install package for download.


Main MSInfo:



Although the Z790 AORUS ELITE AX motherboard does not natively support Nahimic, users can install a one-click package to repair the audio driver if they use MSI headphones that support Nahimic.

Driver download available.
https://tw.msi.com/Gaming-Gear/IMMERSE-GH61/support  for more information.

After fixing the driver, launch the UWP app for Nahimic headsets. Remember to connect the MSI headset's USB before using it.


I Have MSI Motherborad Pro H610 E
i tried many times to install Nahimic as i used to
but this MSG appears and idk why?




Hi, if your machine is MSI PRO H610M-E DDR4, this motherboard doesn’t support Nahimic. 

This information can be confirmed from the MSI official website, the support page not provided the Nahimic software download link.


none of the H610/H610M motherboards from MSI allow using Nahimic as I checked their web site

i need help my laptop is huawei matebook d15 i3 11th

i I deleted the application by mistake and now I can no longer operate the microphone in some games


Sometimes NahimicRestoreTool_1.0.7 may not work due to improper installation of the system audio driver.

If you are using a HUAWEI device, you can resolve the issue by downloading HUAWEI PC Manager and reinstalling the audio driver.

You can download the driver from the following link: https://consumer.huawei.com/en/support/pc-manager/ 

After installing the PC Manager audio driver, rerun Huawei-NahimicRestoreTool-APO4-SWCv4.11.4.0-EXTv1.3.2.0 to update the Nahimic driver to the newest version.

Nahimic HUAWEI driver one-click install package link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17_d12nGpmoUXRqAiH_iLqLiT5-9bRN2f/view?usp=drive_link 

After rebooting, restart Nahimicservice and Windows Audio in the Windows services, and then relaunch Nahimic UWP (You can search Microsoft Store Nahimic for updates).


My device is a desktop computer, with an Asus b650mk motherboard and an AMD 7500f CPU. I downloaded the nano from the Microsoft store, but when I opened the software, it warned me that I needed to update a critical driver. So I downloaded the restore tool from the official website, but when I opened it, there was an error message displaying the attached image. Is there any solution? I tried installing the latest driver offline but it didn't work.


It has been confirmed that the ASUS PRIME B650M motherboard does not support Nahimic. Currently, only ASRock brand of desktop PC motherboard can support it.




a vast majority of PRIME series of motherboards from Asus do not support Nahimic


this  version 1.0.6



Have a few questions to ask:

1) Does the error message appear every time you reboot when running the NahimicRestoreTool_1.0.6 tool?

2) What model of machine are you using?


1 yes whatever i do i have the same error 

2 my machine i huawei 14 2021 (klvd-wxx9)


1) The Engineering team offers the NahimicRestoreTool_1.0.7 version for your driver fix installation. 

Download link:
Google Drive

PW: Gnss

2) Please confirm if your audio device provider is Senray or Everest. If NahimicRestoreTool_1.0.7 proves ineffective, we can provide a manual installation method to address the issue.


i have the same error thanks for your concern



this is my audio driver 

 Screenshot 2024-05-16 181648.png

Screenshot 2024-05-16 181843.png


Thanks for providing it, but what I need more are the screenshots of Sound, video, and game controllers. If it is Senray Audio, it will look like this:



tanks for responding 

do you mean this 



This appears to be Everest's codec.

Kindly download an alternative one-click installation file, directly execute Huawei-NahimicRestoreTool-APO4-SWCv4.11.1.0-EXTv1.3.1.0.exe, restart your computer, and then attempt to initiate Nahimic once again for a trial run.

Please note that after installing this one-click installation, ensure that the Nahimic service remains activated in the service (in some cases, it may remain in the STOP state; please reactivate it).

Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qUFCujnm7nwyhAmutnpOWNE0oslgkTNP/view?usp=drive_link 



there is access Requested from google drive to download the file (resolved)

and thanks alot  


Permission have been opened, please try again.


thanks it is started working but without all the advantge



If Nahimic UWP does not start completely after startup, please follow these steps:

1) Your machine's APO may not have been registered successfully for various reasons. Please download APO v4.11.3 and manually install A-VoluteNhApo4Swc.inf, then restart the machine.

2) After completing the first step, please check the service to ensure that NahimicService runs normally. If the program is not running normally, please stop and start the NahimicService.

3) Try relaunching Nahimic UWP.

Nahimic APO 4.11.3 download link:

You can access the document at the following link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Zuti-QOlDdv57SlDuQURHHAsaJxq24Y6


i am sorry for the late but i have the smae proplem 



If the problem persists after running NahimicRestoreTool-APO4-SWCv4.11.1.0-EXTv1.3.1.0.exe on the HUAWEI platform, the potential reasons are as follows:

1) The platform's audio-based driver, the Everest audio codec was removed abnormally, and the APO registration was incorrect.

Solution: Download HUAWEI PC Manager and try to reinstall the audio driver. You can download it from the following link: https://consumer.huawei.com/en/support/laptops/matebook-14-2021/ driver download

2) After the PC Manager audio driver is installed, you can run NahimicRestoreTool-APO4-SWCv4.11.1.0-EXTv1.3.1.0.exe again to update the Nahimic driver to the latest version.

3) After rebooting, restart Nahimicservice and Windows Audio in the windows services, and then relaunch Nahimic UWP.


thanks alot it did work but audio share dosn't



i rest all driver again and it woked thanks alot you are the best


Здравствуйте, у меня после переустановки windows перестал работать приложение nahimic, хотя раньше работала я использую huawei15d и на сайте было написано о том, что оно поддерживает, я установил снова драйвера для материнской платы ноутбука и все равно не работает, помогите


Hello, when it comes to Huawei devices, you can utilize the Huawei PC Manager tool to reinstall the audio driver. Please first ensure that the audio device can produce sound normally.

For the Nahimic component, first make sure that the UWP is installed as version v1.10.1. Next, utilize the Nahimic Driver Restore Tool to reinstall the Nahimic Audio driver, and then restart the system.

The download link is as follows:

Nahimic UWP download link:


Nahimic Driver Restore Tool v1.5



Latest version is 1.0.6 ://s3.amazonaws.com/chd-data/files/2670/3012978283_deae2d65921b98c35d4f3af8c33e12d9_2403414/NahimicRestoreTool_1.0.6.exe


Latest version is now 1.0.7 instead of 1.0.6


I encountered the same problem. I found the Nahimic driver at:


I downloaded "A-Volute - AudioProcessingObject".

I extracted the files from the .cab file, clicked on the .inf file to install, and restarted the computer. After reinstalling Nahimic, I was able to open it !!


Hi Johnny,

It may not suffice to update the APO file alone; please follow the installation steps below:

1) Make sure to update the Nahimic version to Nahimic 3 v1.10.1.
2) Please proceed with updating the Nahimic Driver Restore tool to version 1.5.The  Nahimic Driver Restore tool removes outdated Nahimic installation files from the system. It automatically detects and updates corresponding APO and extension INF files based on machine specifications.
3) Please initiate a system restart. If the critical driver update message continues to appear on Nahimic UWP, please try restarting the system again. We are currently enhancing the Nahimic Driver Restore tool to provide continuous updates.

Download link:
Nahimic UWP download link:

Nahimic Driver Restore Tool v1.5

The update of the APO file alone may lead to potential issues due to the absence of the previous version. It is recommended to follow the aforementioned method for reinstallation.